'' The Best Way to Predict the Future Is to Create It. '' Abraham Lincoln

Our era offers a ton of interesting paths. Job opportunities in all working sectors are boundlessly numerous especially with the lack of staff we experience nowadays. Of all those possibilities, emergency room medicine is clearly the most appealing to me. 

I have wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember, but I realized recently this specialty is for me. Indeed, last summer, my family and I were about to leave our house when a cyclist came to us complaining about chest pain. Immediately, we called 911, and we brought him into the house. At the same time the paramedics entered the house, the man had a cardiac arrest. In a panicked rush, paramedics had to revive him. Fortunately, the man survived even after having two additional heart arrests in the ambulance. During this event, even in the chaos, I stayed extremely calm. I realized that I am comfortable in messy situations. 

Furthermore, it is written in the stars that emergency room medicine is for me because it combines most of my interests. Since my young age, anatomy has fascinated me. Having the chance to understand how the body is composed and how it works by practicing this profession would be an amazing pleasure for me. Moreover, this job would quench my thirst of curiosity because as a doctor, I will learn new things daily. Then, I am an adrenaline junkie. The emergency department receives the most critical, challenging, and exciting cases. Each case is like a surprise box. In this optic, I will be able to have the level of stress I like. Having to deal with many factors for each patient is, according to me, highly exciting. Also, helping people is a priority for me and, of course, it is the main goal of medicine. In my opinion, I think the most inspiring part of this job is to change people's lives drastically. In this specialty, we concretely save lives every day. Having the chance to make people's worst day of their life a little bit better is tremendously gratifying. 

Additionally, emergency medicine is a versatile job because it offers a gold mine of marvelous opportunities. For example, it is possible to work for an organization like Doctors Without Borders. This organization offers free medical services in poor countries with harsh conditions. Working for them is a life-changing experience that I want to live.  

Image: Wikipedia, Emergency medicine, (site consulted on 2021-12-03), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_medicine


  1. Blog of my life, you've charmed me
    You've stolen my heart, and now you interest me
    Blog of my life, can't you see?
    Write it more, Write it more
    Don't take it away from me
    Because you don't know
    What it means to me
    Blog of my life, don't disappoint me
    You've earned my love, and now captivate me
    Blog of my life, can't you see?
    Write it more, Write it more
    Don't take it away from me
    Because you don't know
    What it means to me
    You will remember
    When this is all over
    And everything's all finished and corrected
    When I grow older
    I will be there at your side to remind you
    How cool your blog was (It was insane)
    Back, hurry back
    Please, bring it back home to me
    Because you don't know
    What it means to me
    Blog of my life
    Blog of my life
    Ooh, ooh

    1. I sincerely thank you for your original comment, Jonathan! I am flattered you liked my blog. Those poetic and strong lyrics are music to my ears. If I am not mistaken, I think it is an adaptation of the song " Love of my life " by Queen. This song is surely one of the greatest songs of all time. It is an honor for me that my blog is compared to this masterpiece.

    2. You are very much welcome my dear friend!

    3. Jonathan the poet!

      Xavier, it seems you inspire passion! ;)

  2. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  3. Xavier, you seem to be cut out for the job! I wouldn't be able to last a week in so much stress! I must admit that I loved caring for animals in need as an animal health technician, but we did not have emergencies on a regular basis. You have all my admiration!

    The cyclist that required your aid last summer was truly blessed to have ended up knocking on your door; he found a loving and caring family. Thank you for coming to the aid of someone in need.

    Here are a few elements to review:
    - Divide your text in paragraphs :)
    - Word form (cardio arrest): the man had a cardio arrest - cardiac arrest
    - Spelling (hearth): two additional hearth arrests
    - Expression (it is written in the sky) - In English, the proper expression is "it is written in the stars
    - Verb tense form (use the present perfect and not the present perfect continuous): has been fascinating
    - Expression (would satisfy my thirsty curiosity): would quench my thirst of curiosity

  4. Xavier, I am glad to have ended up on your blog. I also want to work in the medical field in the future. I understand you are very fond of emergency room medicine. However, I can not help, but wonder if you have other alternatives. The possibilities in medicine are almost endless. There are so much specialities to choose from. In light of that information, is there another speciality you would maybe consider or at least maybe try?

    1. Thank you for your comment, Malory! I am glad to know you are interested in my blog. You are absolutely right. It is important to have a couple of alternatives in mind. In this sense, psychiatry is a field of medicine that has always fascinated me. It would be my second choice!

  5. Hello Xavier,
    Your life experience seems to have prepared you for the field. However, I have to agree with Malory. Considering the stress associated with this particular specialty, I believe you should have a backup plan. Fortunately, you still have time to explore other specialties. I wish you the best of luck!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post, Emilien! What you are saying is perfectly true. Emergency medicine can be extremely stressful. However, this level of challenge is exactly what I am looking for. In all cases, I will truly know what type of medicine I want to do when I will have the chance to explore all specialties as a medical student.

    2. ** I will truly know what type of medicine ... => I will truly know which type ... ** Oups :)


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